Sunday, 23 November 2008

16th November 2008: Piha & Karekare

Took a load of CHPers to the Waitakeres to see Piha and Karekare beaches. Both were riddled with surfers; good weather, and high season, seem to have started in earnest the past couple of weeks. I never previously realised how much surfing requires you to be able to dodge other surfers in the water - a bit like skiing on a busy slope.

We wandered up Lion Rock at Piha, then drove round to Karekare and took the Zion Hill Track over to Pararaha Stream. Back to Karekare along the beach. Took around 3 hours, much quicker than our last walk in the area, because the rain had let up for enough days that there were no mud-bath sections on the track. A bit of paddling to round off the walk was lovely on a warm day.

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